Each month in Boston, police receive thousands of domestic violence calls. This is in addition to the thousands of calls made to hotlines and women’s shelters. And, if left unattended, domestic violence can easily escalate, at times leading to homicide.
In March this year, assault and domestic violence calls rose almost 22%, but a recent drop in reports has left many officials worried that victims are staying quiet. As more and more people are isolated in their homes, victims may have fewer opportunities to report their abuse, and incidents may be escalating.
Years of policy efforts are coming to a head
For years now, Massachusetts law makers and victim advocates have come together with a coal: stop opportunities for violence before abuse becomes deadly. In addition to recent policies that protect victims from unfair employment discrimination and new judicial and police coordination efforts, state officials are also working diligently to create opportunities for victims to come forward.
While the recent public health crisis means more and more people are stuck at home, in close quarters with their abusers, the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General has increased efforts to educate the public on sighs of abuse and resources for victims.
What you can do if you or a loved one is in danger
Many individuals in dangerous relationships are afraid to leave their partner, either out of fear or because they lack resources to leave. If you are in danger or believe your loved one is abused, please reach out to either local authorities or to a crisis hotline. With appropriate legal action, you can protect yourself and your loved ones.