Before moving out of Massachusetts with your child, you should check the law to know the correct procedure to do so. In most cases, you'll need the permission of the other parent or the court. Even if you have sole physical custody, you can't make the decision to move...
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Child Custody
Pros of virtual co-parenting
COVID-19 and the pandemic shutdowns made virtual communication commonplace. Now, the ease of virtual communication can lead to smoother co-parenting. Here are a few things to know about virtual co-parenting in Massachusetts and why it can be beneficial to your...
How domestic violence claims can influence a custody case
In Massachusetts, judges evaluate a variety of factors to decide whether it is in the child's best interests to have one parent as the primary caregiver. State law requires judges to investigate allegations of domestic violence prior to making a ruling in a child...
Is a shared custody arrangement safe for your children?
Many children are fortunate enough to grow up in a home with two stable, loving parents. Yet, while you may provide your children the security they need, your spouse may act in a manner that could harm or endanger them – and you. If you have filed for divorce, you may...
4 tips for having a safe child custody exchange
As a parent, your primary objective in life is to keep your kids safe and healthy. If you share parenting duties, you expect the co-parent also to prioritize the safety of your children. Still, emotions often run raw in the aftermath of a divorce. As such, you may...
After a divorce, these custody tips can help
When you have previously gotten to see your children every day, switching over to a child custody schedule with your ex can be difficult after a divorce. It is common, though, as the courts want most children to have a relationship with both parents. That means...
Tips for making child custody less stressful
For parents who a divorcing, minimizing the impact on the children becomes a priority. While many people tend to focus on the things that can go wrong during the child custody battle, there are many ways that the parents can encourage things to go right. One thing...
How can I handle custody over the holidays?
If you are newly divorced, one learning curve to master is how to divvy up time with the kids over the winter holidays. Whether you celebrate Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa — or some combination thereof — you will want to have the kids with you to...
Children shouldn’t be messengers or reporters for parents
Your children are stuck in the middle of your divorce, but there are ways that you can help them to adjust to the situation. The goal of the child custody arrangement is to provide them with a stable home life even if it is between two homes.One of the most important...
Help your children learn to be positive during your divorce
Divorces are often negative and messy. This can make your children feel uneasy about the future. It might help them to feel better about the direction they are going if you teach them how to have a positive outlook on life.Encouraging your children to have meaningful...