Meeting A Child’s Financial Needs
In September 2017, Massachusetts issued new Child Support Guidelines. There is a rebuttable presumption that the guidelines apply to all cases for establishing or modifying a child support order, and that the amount of child support calculated under the guidelines is appropriate.
Though it may seem simple, the guidelines can be hard to understand, calculate and implement — particularly if there are issues determining a parent’s income. The lawyers at Richard C. Bardi & Associates LLC offer comprehensive, diligent and attentive legal representation to individuals and families confronting child support matters. We work for equitable settlements. When these are not possible, we work with the courts to ensure the best possible outcomes for the clients we represent.
Based in Boston, the family and trial attorneys at Richard C. Bardi & Associates LLC serve individuals throughout Massachusetts. If you have questions or concerns, our legal team is here to address them.
How Child Support Works
Whether parents are going through a divorce or have never been married, each parent is responsible for the financial support of their children. The current guidelines apply to the initial $250,000 of the parties’ combined income. Each parent’s income is considered available for child support, with deductions allowed for child care, health insurance, dental and vision insurance, and other support obligations, if applicable.
Child support may be ordered for a child between ages 18 and 21 who is domiciled with a parent and is dependent upon that parent for support. Child support may be ordered for a child between 21 and 23 who is domiciled with a parent and dependent upon that parent due to enrollment in an educational program.
Guidelines Are Just That: Guidelines
While the courts generally adhere to the child support guidelines, it is important to note that they can, and do, deviate from them. The goal is to maximize financial health for the new family unit by allowing each parent’s home, and thus the children, to maintain a lifestyle as close as possible to that of the marital home.
Our lawyers can meet with you and evaluate your specific situation. We can then provide you with a comprehensive overview of your rights and options. Likewise, if your spouse is refusing to make required payments, we can intervene.
Help Is A Phone Call Away
Please contact us for your consultation. Call today at 617-749-9979 or reach us online.