Relocating With A Child
Moving away after divorce may not be as easy as you think. Whether you receive a job offer in another state or are relocating for other reasons, as a parent with a child custody arrangement in place, the process can quickly become complicated.
Richard C. Bardi & Associates LLC has several decades of experience resolving relocation disputes in the state of Massachusetts. Our child custody attorneys can help ensure you go about your move properly, and are always here to answer your questions and protect your parental rights.
What You Need To Do Before You Move
If you are looking to move outside Massachusetts, you either need to receive permission from the other parent, or will need to revisit your child custody arrangement through negotiations or in trial to modify the terms to reflect your relocation.
When the other parent does object, courts will consider a range of factors to determine what new arrangement would be in the best interest of the child. They will consider questions such as:
- Will the child’s quality of life be affected by the move?
- Are there any possible negative impacts that will arise from loss of time with the other parent?
- How will the move impact the child’s physical, emotional and psychological development?
- How will the move affect each parent’s rights and interests?
While the child removal statute in Massachusetts law is written for divorced couples, these factors often also apply to parents who were never married, as the child’s best interests are typically the same.
We Will Protect Your Rights And Your Child’s Well-Being
When you need to relocate, our lawyers will protect your rights. If you are objecting to the relocation of the other parent, we can also safeguard your parental rights. We vow to always stand up for what is best for you and your child.
Learn more during an initial consultation in our Boston office. Call us today at 617-749-9979 or reach us online. We serve family law clients across Massachusetts.